12/21/16 The NOwner generation isn’t just a millennial thing NOwners are the generation of the sharing economy, a way of life that’s changing our perception of the world we… By Silvia Lahoz No comments
09/28/16 Brands: Top Phrasing Blunders They’re so common that they almost go unnoticed—almost. Let’s be honest: corporate communications (websites, emails, social media, press releases, blogs,… By Marian Sagredo No comments
07/28/16 Millennials and wine: the key is digital In Spain there seems to be a general agreement around an idea concerning wine: the wine sector has evolved in… By Rodrigo García No comments
07/06/16 The audience is king The evolution of the format and methods of positioning branded content on social media seems miscellaneous. When you work daily… By Marta Ortega No comments
06/28/16 Invisible Publicity Publicity is on its way to becoming invisible. No, I am not saying that it will not exist. I am… By Luismi Gómez No comments
06/15/16 Dialogue International, the network of independent creative agencies that know how to create value A hot June 2nd—one of those sweltering days that marks the beginning of the Madrilenian summer. More than 50 colleagues… By Marta Lorenzo No comments